I’m Katie
Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator & Level II Reiki Practitioner
I battled with my own mental health for most of my twenties. I experienced first-hand the toll that anxiety and chronic stress can have on the mind and body. It resulted in me making my mind and body very sick. Unable to set boundaries and say no, I needed to people please to feel loved. Shame ruled my life telling me that I was unworthy and a failure. I constantly felt drained and lacked confidence.
The pandemic made me realise I needed to prioritise my mental health. I experienced what some might call my dark night of the soul. Depression and anxiety had won. I was in a very dark hole and it felt like there was no way out. Feeling completely broken I began to piece myself together. I started to set boundaries, learn to love myself and heal.

Say goodbye to your anxiety for good on my 12-week programme, Overcoming Anxiety!
Find out more by clicking the image below!
Experience personalised care through a Soul Journey. A 1-2-1 breathwork journey or reiki treatment. To find out more by clicking the image below!

Head to my Events page for more information on group sessions and free offerings!